Share Abundantly

Psalm 36 • God’s steadfast love extends to the heavens We currently have all that we need to live lives of faith in the world. To serve one another is the greatest gift we can offer. We are called to act out of abundance, to trust in God and all

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Hidden Abundance Revealed

John 6:1-14 • Loaves and Fishes As the people gathered to listen to the teachings of Jesus, Jesus felt compassion. Jesus asked Philip, “Where are we to buy enough bread for these people to eat?” This question, we are told, was to test the disciples. This question comes from a

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Living with honour and respect

Deuteronomy 30:15-20 • Choose the fullness of life. Matthew 5:21-26 • Teaching on anger. We belong to God. This is God’s promise to us. We belong, we have purpose. Through Jesus we learn about healthy relationships and how to treat one another. Often religious institutions refer to God’s commandments as

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The gift of abundant life!

Acts 2:1-21 • The Spirit comes on the day of Pentecost Romans 8:14-17 • A spirit of adoption, not slavery What does abundant life look like? What does it feel like? When the Holy Spirit descends on the people, there is clarity, there is new life, and there is understanding.

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An act of love

Psalm 126 • Those who sow in tears reap with joy. John 12:1-8 • Mary anoints Jesus with costly ointment. Being able to offer healing love to another is an act of faith, is an act of compassion, is and act of love. What we have lost from this time

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