What have we discovered?

Exodus 34:29-35 • Moses is radiant. Luke 9:28-36 • Jesus is transfigured. Sometimes going on a trip or a pilgrimage can change everything. Often it helps to see the world and ourselves in a different light. As we discover things we learn more about ourselves. We need not fear. This

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What happens if we do not answer?

Psalm 138 • Do not forsake the works of your hands, O God. Luke 5:1-11 • Jesus calls Simon and James and John. Answering God’s call is not always easy, nor is it always an option. As faithful followers we are each called to be part of bringing people together,

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Words have power.

Jeremiah 1:4-10 • Jeremiah’s call. 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 • Love is patient Words have power. People of faith are encouraged and reminded to speak words that are kind and loving. Before speaking with others a good rule of thumb is to ask, “Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it

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Embraced, Embodied, Emboldened

Genesis 9:8-17 • The covenant between God and Noah. Mark 1:9-15 • The baptism, temptation and mission. The spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness into a liminal space where what once was is dissolved and what will be will emerge. The act of re-covenanting is an important practice that provides

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To Run or to Stand Firm

Jonah 3:1-5,10 • Ninevah Encouraged to Repent Mark 1:14-20 • The Call To Discipleship The suggested Psalm for today which we did not read is Psalm 6. Basically the Psalm calls on us to be still, and wait for or know, God. The readings this week offer us a challenge…when

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Boldly stand and walk with Jesus

Psalm 118: 1-2, 19-29 The Stone which the builders rejected Luke 19:28-40 Jesus enters Jerusalem It isn’t enough to simply stand on the sidelines any more. It is time to stand and commit to the direction that God has called us. We are being called together for a common purpose,

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