We Shall Gather In Joy

Jeremiah 31:7-14 Gathered in Joy John 1:10-18 • The Word was in the world. We feel as if we have been in exile…cut off from all we know and love. We are looking for “normal”, nothing spectacular just a chance to gather around a campfire with friends and hear the

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To present our commitment to learn.

Isaiah 61:10-62:3 • Clothed in salvation and righteousness. Luke 2:22-40 • Jesus is presented in the temple. To be presented is to be known and it is a way to proclaim our intentions. This rite of passage for Jesus is one that acknowledges that we all have much to learn

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Hope Awakens, will you?

Scriptures: Psalm 122 Give Thanks Romans 13:11-14 Salvation is Near As we began a new liturgical year we are given the opportunity to start fresh, to prepare for Jesus – the light of the world. We are called to allow God’s light to come into our lives. What will we

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