Serving or Sitting?

Amos 8:1-12 God will turn feasting to mourning. Luke 10:38-42 Mary and Martha. Far too often, the story of Mary and Martha has been told in a way that pits action/service up against piety/contemplation. But what if it’s not a question of which is better, but when and how to

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Words have power.

Jeremiah 1:4-10 • Jeremiah’s call. 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 • Love is patient Words have power. People of faith are encouraged and reminded to speak words that are kind and loving. Before speaking with others a good rule of thumb is to ask, “Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it

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Dare to be different

Philippians 2: 1-11• Imitating Christ’s Humility Matthew 9:9-17 • The call of Matthew. Quirky, weird, and wonderful, that is what Christians are. Think of any movie about the underdogs and you get a picture of the people that Jesus gathered to be part of God’s ministry in the world. Over

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Soul Connection

Psalm 42 • As a deer longs for the water. The psalmist speaks of great longing to reconnect with God. The psalmist speaks of a thirst that needs quenching, and a longing so deep that deep calls to deep. We have been living in a time of upheaval, and a

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Was it worth the price?

Ephesians 1:3-14 • Adopted through Christ. Mark 6:14-29 • The death of John the Baptist. The gospel this week is unsettling. The gospel reveals that which is often hidden from plain sight. It leads us to wonder under whose sovereignty we live? This story compels the reader to see and

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Crossing barriers in the name of Love

Psalm 118: 1-2, 19-39 • God’s love endures forever. Mark 11:1-11 • Jesus enters Jerusalem. The people followed, and the people came to welcome the man who was shifting our understanding, and our way of living. He crossed barriers of race, class, culture and gender identity. He preached and practiced

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Stepping forward in Gratitude

Psalm 100 • Make a joyful noise. Matthew 25:31-46 • Help those in need. Every step counts. Every word of gratitude makes a difference. Every action we take, and every decision we make can change the future when we live our lives in faith, hope and love. Jesus said that

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Use it or lose it

1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 • God comes as a thief in the night. Matthew 25:14-30 • Parable of the talents. What do you focus on more, the limitation or the possibilities? In this liminal time the possibilities are limitless. We will never discover what is possible without experimentation, without taking a

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