New Appreciations

Isaiah 60:1-6 • Arise, shine, for your light has come. Ephesians 3:1-12 • Boldness and confidence through faith. Matthew 2:1-12 • The visit of the magi. The prophet Isaiah begins with the imperative “Arise!” which some may experience as a command, but rather than that it is an invitation, in

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Something has come to light.

1 Corinthians 1:10-18 • Overcome divisions and find unity. Matthew 4:12-23 • Jesus begins his ministry Joseph Campbell who is known for his work in archetypal stories has noted that cultures around the world speak of the beginnings of something as a call to adventure. What if we look at

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A Change of Course

Acts 10:34-43 • Gentiles hear the Good News. Matthew 3:13-17 • Jesus and John the Baptizer. In the reading from the book of Acts (officially “The Acts of the Apostles”), after a persuasive vision from God, Peter, somewhat surprisingly, speaks in front of an unexpected audience: Romans, who, as Gentiles–those

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A Trip to Bethlehem

Isaiah 60: 1-6 • Arise, shine; for your light has come. Matthew 2:1-12 • The visit of the magi. The journey we have undertaken following the star has reached its conclusion. We have arrived! And what do we bring? It isn’t long from birth to warning. There is not much

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A Uniting Spirit Revealed

Ephesians 3:1-12 • Boldness through faith. Matthew 2:1-12 • The visit of the magi. On Epiphany Sunday we are invited to seek and discover what is being revealed through the power of the Holy Spirit. The power of the Holy Spirit moves through us and in us causing great and

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It’s time for Justice not Judgment!

Being Christian means that Jesus challenges us to live to a higher standard. We are being asked to break down the systems of oppression that produce social and physical barriers both real and perceived. The gospel prescribes an ethic of generosity for Christian living…sowing generosity where nothing is expected to

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