Face to face with God.

Exodus 1:8-14; 3:1-15 • God calls Moses to bring release. Over and over I hear people ask the question, “Am I worthy of God?” The answer is YES! There are times of each person’s life when we have transitions to a new stage of life or we are struggling with

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Delighting in what will emerge!

Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 • The stone that the builders rejected. Luke 24:1-12 • The women report that the tomb is empty. Have you ever looked for something and didn’t find it, only to realize it was right in front of you? We don’t have to look far and wide to

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An act of love

Psalm 126 • Those who sow in tears reap with joy. John 12:1-8 • Mary anoints Jesus with costly ointment. Being able to offer healing love to another is an act of faith, is an act of compassion, is and act of love. What we have lost from this time

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What touches your soul?

Psalm 4 • Answer me, when I call, O God. Luke 24:36b-48 • The disciples encounter Jesus. An encounter with Christ is not soon forgotten, or explained, but it is an encounter that heals the wounded soul. When we put our trust in God, and put gladness in our hearts,

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The veil has been lifted.

Exodus 34:29-35 Moses is radiant as he comes down the mountain. 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2 Jesus is transfigured upon the mountain. Paul challenges us to act boldly. We are called to speak the truth and we are called to listen boldly. Boldness comes from being vulnerable. It is time to step

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