To yield or not to yield to God!

Romans 6:12-23 • The wages of sin is death; eternal life is free.Matthew 10:40-42 • Welcoming and offering a cup of water. Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote “Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will. To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.” This is the way

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Moved by Compassion

Amos 7:7-17 • God’s plumb line. Luke 10:25-37 • The Good Samaritan. It feels like we are living in a permanent state of anxiety and fear. The world is full of fear. The church is full of fear. We are full of fear. When we live in a state of

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Shifting Expectations

Isaiah 12:2-6 Proclaim God’s deeds to the nations. Philippians 4: 4-7 Rejoice in God always! The third Sunday of Advent is often referred to as the “Joy” Sunday. It is a Sunday where we express our joy as we prepare for Christmas and many of us believe we will be

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