God of Blessings

Struggles in life are prevalent, and different for everyone. The story of Jacob is wrought with deceit and self interest at first, but as Jacob goes through life, and he learns and grows and his responsibilities increase, he soon realizes the ramifications of his choices and actions. Jacob has a

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Discerning Choice

Psalm 32 • Blessed are those whose sins are forgiven. Matthew 4:1-11 • Jesus tempted in the desert. The story of Jesus being tempted in the desert is one that inspires us, and challenges us. Can we be as strong as Jesus when faced with a choice that either trusts

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Living with honour and respect

Deuteronomy 30:15-20 • Choose the fullness of life. Matthew 5:21-26 • Teaching on anger. We belong to God. This is God’s promise to us. We belong, we have purpose. Through Jesus we learn about healthy relationships and how to treat one another. Often religious institutions refer to God’s commandments as

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What was lost has been revealed!

Psalm 32 • Blessed are those who are forgiven. Luke 15: 1-3, 11b-32 • The prodigal son Why do we hide our fears, and insecurities from the people we love? We often hide from that which makes us feel vulnerable, which leads us to isolation, and disconnection. What happens when

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Will you walk with me?

2 Corinthians 5:6-10, 7-20 • Walk by faith, John 8:1-12 • Never walk alone. In a world that values independence it can be difficult to ask for help, or to name what it is we need. As people of faith, we are called to live in relationship with one another.

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Was it worth the price?

Ephesians 1:3-14 • Adopted through Christ. Mark 6:14-29 • The death of John the Baptist. The gospel this week is unsettling. The gospel reveals that which is often hidden from plain sight. It leads us to wonder under whose sovereignty we live? This story compels the reader to see and

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Is it well with your soul?

1 John 1:1-2:2 • The word of life. John 20:19-31 • Jesus appears to the disciples. Transformation is not an easy, nor a quick process. Discovering a new normal, a new way of life in the wake of a death or a major loss leaves us with an unsettling feeling.

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