Strength even in our weakness.

2 Timothy 1:1-14 • Thanksgiving and encouragement. Luke 17:5-10 • Faith as a mustard seed. How do we tend to our faith? When will we come to accept that faith is a gift from God, rather than something we have to earn? The ritual of feasting on the bread and

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A Trip to Bethlehem

Isaiah 60: 1-6 • Arise, shine; for your light has come. Matthew 2:1-12 • The visit of the magi. The journey we have undertaken following the star has reached its conclusion. We have arrived! And what do we bring? It isn’t long from birth to warning. There is not much

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Use it or lose it

1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 • God comes as a thief in the night. Matthew 25:14-30 • Parable of the talents. What do you focus on more, the limitation or the possibilities? In this liminal time the possibilities are limitless. We will never discover what is possible without experimentation, without taking a

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