Emerging Church Growth

Mark 4:1-34 • Parables of sower and mustard seed. Jesus taught in parables which is defined as a short fictitious story that illustrates a moral attitude or a religious principle. The parable of the sower invites faithful followers to not worry about success on the first try, but rather to

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Growing Conditions

In the Genesis reading, we hear about how Isaac and his wife Rebekah engage with parenthood after fertility struggles. Sadly, even disappointingly, once children are born we hear how Isaac has not learned from his own family of origin about the importance of cultivating a good relationship between siblings. From

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What happens if we do not answer?

Psalm 138 • Do not forsake the works of your hands, O God. Luke 5:1-11 • Jesus calls Simon and James and John. Answering God’s call is not always easy, nor is it always an option. As faithful followers we are each called to be part of bringing people together,

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