What does it mean to be the church?

Job 1:1; 2:1-10 • Attack on Job’s health. Mark 10: 13-15 • Jesus blesses little children There are a lot of assumptions made about people of faith. Secular society likes to challenge the sacred and are often suspicious of it. Even with in faith communities there is suspicion and assumptions.

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To present our commitment to learn.

Isaiah 61:10-62:3 • Clothed in salvation and righteousness. Luke 2:22-40 • Jesus is presented in the temple. To be presented is to be known and it is a way to proclaim our intentions. This rite of passage for Jesus is one that acknowledges that we all have much to learn

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A place of sanctuary!

Psalm 148 – Praise the Lord. Matthew 2:13-23 Joseph’s second dream. Our faith can protect us, provide safety and care, both literally and metaphorically. Jesus started his life as a refugee, we as a church have sponsored many refugees. How do we welcome people who have had to flee their

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Brought together by the gift of Love

Luke 2:1-20 The story of Jesus Birth Isaiah 9:2-7 People have seen a great light This service followed the many tradition across the years of telling the story of Jesus Birth. We began with chant, tableaux’s in the poses found in Stained Glass, followed by spoken word and jazz piano

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There is hope for us all!

2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12 Thessalonians/ Faith and Example Luke 19:1-10 Jesus and Zacchaeus As we listen and explore the story of Zaccheaus (a tax-collector of small stature) we see Jesus’ mission, of seeking out the lost, in action. How many of us are presently holding God’s call at arms-length? How

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Lived faith is love expressed.

Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16 The meaning of faith. Luke 12:32-40 Do not worry. What do you believe in? What is it that you are hoping for? In the Gospel of Luke, we are told that “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” We are reminded that there is

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