Reveling in the Spirit unleashed!

Psalm 104:24-34, 35b God the Creator Acts 2:1-21 The coming of the Holy Spirit On Pentecost Sunday we hear the story of how people of faith received the Holy Spirit, which caused them to rejoice and speak in their own language. The Holy Spirit is at work around us, reminding

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Revealed in Surprises

Scriptures:Revelation 5:11-14 Worthy is the Lamb.John 21:1-19 Jesus appears to the disciples. What did Jesus reveal in his resurrection? Jesus reveals the Love of God even after his death in ways so alive and so engaging they inspire the generations to come. On fishing trips, at meals and in prayer,

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Dynamics of Differences

Over the last few months at R-W, we have engaged in learning about the diverse needs and abilities we all have and why we need them all to be a Christian community. Mobility and learning differences, as well as some chronic and mental illnesses, are not always visible to others’ eyes

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