The art of prayer.

Psalm 85 • God restores and pardons. Luke 11:1-13 • Jesus teaches the disciples to pray. What is prayer and how do we pray? Like the disciples, we too, want to know how to pray. We often feel that we do not know how to pray. St. Clement of Alexandria

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Serving or Sitting?

Amos 8:1-12 God will turn feasting to mourning. Luke 10:38-42 Mary and Martha. Far too often, the story of Mary and Martha has been told in a way that pits action/service up against piety/contemplation. But what if it’s not a question of which is better, but when and how to

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It’s time to shift our thinking

Exodus 16:2-15 Bread from Heaven Matthew 20:1-16 Labourers in the Vineyard What happens when things shift, and it feels like we have lost what we need to survive? What comes to mind as we hear the struggles of the Israelites after leaving Egypt is, “The grass is always greener on

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Discerning Decisions

Romans 12: 1-8 Present yourselves as a living, holy sacrifice to God. Exodus 1:8-2:10 Baby Moses is adopted. Paul in the Romans passage is inviting faithful followers to be a living sacrifice. We are not being asked to pick up our cross and walk towards death, but rather we are

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Love – a time for heart to care.

Isaiah 7:10-16 She shall bear a child Matthew 1:18-25 Joseph’s Dream As Christmas approaches, we can’t help but fill our space with festivities, decorations, food and other delights. On this Sunday we are faced with a question that truly gets to the heart of the matter. Can we trust Jesus

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