A Manifestation of the Spirit

Acts 2:1-4 • Pentecost 1 Corinthians 12:1-13 • Gifts of the Spirit On Pentecost Sunday, which is considered the birth of Christianity, we hear the story of the manifestation of the Spirit in humanity. The Spirit of God has power and as it descended on the people, the Holy Spirit

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Servant Leadership

1 Kings 12:1-17, 25-29 • Kingdom Divided In a time when there is much violence, and unrest, negativity, and division, as people of faith we are called to serve, and to live our lives in love. What happens when we do not listen to the wise ones in our midst?

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To yield or not to yield to God!

Romans 6:12-23 • The wages of sin is death; eternal life is free.Matthew 10:40-42 • Welcoming and offering a cup of water. Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote “Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will. To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.” This is the way

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Blessing of Relationships

Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19 • What shall I return to the Lord? Luke 24:13-35 • The road to Emmaus. The seeds of hope are planted not only in the earth, but also in you and me. What does it take to grow these seeds? It begins by believing that there is

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God so Loved

In the Genesis reading, we hear God speaking to Abram, a childless, Bedouin septuagenarian. God tells Abram that if he and his equally aged wife Sarai leave their current home and everything they know, God will make them into a great nation and a blessing to all families on earth.

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Discerning Choice

Psalm 32 • Blessed are those whose sins are forgiven. Matthew 4:1-11 • Jesus tempted in the desert. The story of Jesus being tempted in the desert is one that inspires us, and challenges us. Can we be as strong as Jesus when faced with a choice that either trusts

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Taking Courage

Luke 1:46b-55 • Mary’s song. Mary’s relative Elizabeth has just experienced her own 6 month in utero child leaping within her and has made the prophetic pronouncement that it was because of the saving, holy importance of the one soon to be borne by Mary. Elizabeth further states that Mary

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Be a blessing to others

1 Timothy 2:1-7 • Offer prayers. Luke 16:1-13 • The parable of the dishonest manager Parables challenge us to a new way of thinking. The parable of the dishonest manager is according to Helen Montgomery Debevoise “a call to reclaim who we are and to renew our vision today for

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