Taking Courage

Luke 1:46b-55 • Mary’s song. Mary’s relative Elizabeth has just experienced her own 6 month in utero child leaping within her and has made the prophetic pronouncement that it was because of the saving, holy importance of the one soon to be borne by Mary. Elizabeth further states that Mary

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The Power of Love

Luke 1:39-55 • Mary visits Elizabeth The power of love is real. To know that we are loved and that we are supported can make all the difference in the world. This is the story of two women coming together in mutual support. God provides both Mary and Elizabeth with

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Love – a time for heart to care.

Isaiah 7:10-16 She shall bear a child Matthew 1:18-25 Joseph’s Dream As Christmas approaches, we can’t help but fill our space with festivities, decorations, food and other delights. On this Sunday we are faced with a question that truly gets to the heart of the matter. Can we trust Jesus

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Colossians 1: 15-28 Paul, the servant of the Gospel. Luke 10: 38-42 Jesus visits Mary and Martha (today due to distraction ironically, Rev. Leigh did not record the sermon. A PDF version will soon be attached.) In our Bible story today, one sister is distracted by a list of things

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Great Expectations

Luke 1:47-55 Mary’s Song Luke 1:39-55 Mary visits Elizabeth As young women about to become mothers, we can imagine the expectations they have for this new life growing inside them. With these self-imposed expectations of how to be a good mother, there comes fear, anxiety, and worry that they won’t

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