The value of gracious leadership

Mark 11:1-11 • Triumphal entry While the Roman Army entered the city of Jerusalem, Jesus approached the city by another way. Jesus approached the city as a leader filled with grace. Jesus’s ministry was one of mutual sharing of power. Jesus’ leadership was not about self-interest but rather the communities

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The Roar of the Crowd

According to tradition, Jesus has been a public figure for three years. During this time, he has developed a reputation for being someone who taught with extraordinary authority. His interpretation of the teachings of his Jewish faith endeared him to everyone except the religious authorities. After a number of run-ins

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Crossing barriers in the name of Love

Psalm 118: 1-2, 19-39 • God’s love endures forever. Mark 11:1-11 • Jesus enters Jerusalem. The people followed, and the people came to welcome the man who was shifting our understanding, and our way of living. He crossed barriers of race, class, culture and gender identity. He preached and practiced

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Boldly stand and walk with Jesus

Psalm 118: 1-2, 19-29 The Stone which the builders rejected Luke 19:28-40 Jesus enters Jerusalem It isn’t enough to simply stand on the sidelines any more. It is time to stand and commit to the direction that God has called us. We are being called together for a common purpose,

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