Fears Released

Psalm 40 • I waited patiently for God. John 1:29-42 • Simon and Andrew become disciples Fear, uncertainty, and worry can hold us back from all that God offers. Imagine what could happen if we found a way to release our fears. Imagine what could happen when we trust in

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It’s time to shift our thinking

Exodus 16:2-15 Bread from Heaven Matthew 20:1-16 Labourers in the Vineyard What happens when things shift, and it feels like we have lost what we need to survive? What comes to mind as we hear the struggles of the Israelites after leaving Egypt is, “The grass is always greener on

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Waiting – it can’t be avoided

1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11 Cast your cares on God. Be alert. Acts 1:6-14 The ascension of Jesus. The disciples were waiting for the coming of the Spirit. We too are waiting for the coming of physical re-connection. Perhaps for the first time in a very long time, the world could

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New Year! New Wardrobe!

Scriptures: Psalm 148 Let the whole creation praise God. Colossians 3:12-17 Clothe yourselves with compassion and kindness. Compassion, Kindness, humility, meekness and patience – that is what we are asked to wear as we greet the new year. The great news of Christmas is that Christ dwells within in us,

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