Dare to be different

Philippians 2: 1-11• Imitating Christ’s Humility Matthew 9:9-17 • The call of Matthew. Quirky, weird, and wonderful, that is what Christians are. Think of any movie about the underdogs and you get a picture of the people that Jesus gathered to be part of God’s ministry in the world. Over

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A Uniting Spirit Revealed

Ephesians 3:1-12 • Boldness through faith. Matthew 2:1-12 • The visit of the magi. On Epiphany Sunday we are invited to seek and discover what is being revealed through the power of the Holy Spirit. The power of the Holy Spirit moves through us and in us causing great and

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Discerning Decisions

Romans 12: 1-8 Present yourselves as a living, holy sacrifice to God. Exodus 1:8-2:10 Baby Moses is adopted. Paul in the Romans passage is inviting faithful followers to be a living sacrifice. We are not being asked to pick up our cross and walk towards death, but rather we are

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Darkness Hidden is Wisdom Lost

Scriptures: Micah 6:1-8 What does God require? 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 Jesus became for us wisdom We are called to follow Jesus who has been described as light for the world. However, in the Bible, God is both in the light and in the cloudy darkness, both in the struggles for

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Follow Jesus, Teacher & Leader

Isaiah 9:1-4 People have seen a great light. 1 Corinthians 1:10-18 Overcome divisions and find unity. Matthew 4:12-23 Fishers of people What draws us in? What motivates us to follow Jesus and to give of ourselves to God and to all others? What adventures has God called us to embark

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Faithful wrestling with Scripture

Isaiah 12:1-6 Thanksgiving and Praise 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13 Warning against idleness The Bible is a wealth of knowledge upon which our faith is based. Throughout our church history Christians have read, studied, ignored and interpreted Scripture. How can we honour the Bible and take it seriously without taking it literally?

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Praying for an Openness

Philemon (all) Appealing to you on the basis of Love Psalm 139 Search me and know me We are called together by Christ to be disciples. We walk in the Spirit of Christ which calls us to regular practices of prayer and peace-making. Come to God’s community and help us

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Compassion is Our Plumb Line

July 14, 2019 Pentecost 5 Amos 7:7-17 God’s Plumb Line Luke 10:25-37 The parable of the Good Samaritan When have you had to make a hard decision between customary actions and a compassionate action? Using Jesus’ story of the Good Samaritan let us explore how compassion can be a plumb

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