The value of gracious leadership

Mark 11:1-11 • Triumphal entry While the Roman Army entered the city of Jerusalem, Jesus approached the city by another way. Jesus approached the city as a leader filled with grace. Jesus’s ministry was one of mutual sharing of power. Jesus’ leadership was not about self-interest but rather the communities

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The marking of transitions

Joel 2:23-32 • Abundant rain, full threshing floors. Psalm 65 • God crowns the year with goodness. God’s spirit has been poured out on us, we are marked with God’s love. Joel’s prophecy names that as the spirit is poured upon the people, the children will also prophesy, our seniors

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Revealed in all of creation.

Psalm 148 Let the whole creation praise God. John 13:31-35 A New Commandment: love one another. What did Jesus reveal in his resurrection? Jesus revealed that we cannot go where he is going. What we can do is live out his mission in the world, by choosing to be Christ’s

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