Who’s to blame?

Job 42:1-6, 10-17 • Job acknowledges God’s power; Job’s fortunes are restored. Mark 10:46–52 • The healing of Bartimaeus. Someone must be to blame. We have to be able to point to the person or persons responsible for the mess we are in. Job’s friends all suggested blaming God. We

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Equity is rooted and grounded in love.

Ephesians offers us a reminder that we are all “children of God”, Holy Citizens, members of God’s household. We are called to continue the conversations long since begun regarding reconciliation. There are no strangers or aliens in the kingdom of God, rather we are one household. We hear again about

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Holy Citizens Gathered – Be Reconciled

Ephesians offers us a reminder that we are all “children of God”, Holy citizens, members of God’s household. We are called to continue the conversations long since begun regarding reconciliation. There are no strangers or aliens in the kingdom of God, rather we are one household. We hear again about

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Describing the Indescribable.

Acts 2:1-21 The Coming of the Holy Spirit. John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15 The Advocate, The Spirit of Truth. Most of us have experienced a moment or an event which we would describe as life-changing. They are very personal moments and often defy description. We try to tell friends and loved ones

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What? No Answers?

Acts 10:44-48 • The gift of the Holy Spirit comes as Peter preaches.John 15:9-17 • Love one another as I have loved you. Does the love of God come through each time we speak? Are we aware of the Holy Spirit in our words and actions as we encounter others?

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To Run or to Stand Firm

Jonah 3:1-5,10 • Ninevah Encouraged to Repent Mark 1:14-20 • The Call To Discipleship The suggested Psalm for today which we did not read is Psalm 6. Basically the Psalm calls on us to be still, and wait for or know, God. The readings this week offer us a challenge…when

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We Shall Gather In Joy

Jeremiah 31:7-14 Gathered in Joy John 1:10-18 • The Word was in the world. We feel as if we have been in exile…cut off from all we know and love. We are looking for “normal”, nothing spectacular just a chance to gather around a campfire with friends and hear the

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The Acceptable Year of the Lord

Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 • The Spirit of the Lord is upon me. John 1:6-8,19-28 • John testifies to the Light. The Acceptable Year of the Lord, Year of God’s favour, the Year of Jubilee all refer to a sabbatical year where debts are forgiven, labourers are freed, the land is

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Being Moulded

Isaiah 64:1-9 • We are the clay and you are our potter. Now consider, we are all your people. Mark 13:24-37 • We will never know when God may appear in our midst. Be awake. Be alert. Entering a time of waiting in the midst of Covid-19 seems redundant at

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