To yield or not to yield to God!

Romans 6:12-23 • The wages of sin is death; eternal life is free.Matthew 10:40-42 • Welcoming and offering a cup of water. Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote “Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will. To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.” This is the way

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Embraced, Embodied, Emboldened

Genesis 9:8-17 • The covenant between God and Noah. Mark 1:9-15 • The baptism, temptation and mission. The spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness into a liminal space where what once was is dissolved and what will be will emerge. The act of re-covenanting is an important practice that provides

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Make Kindness a Habit

Colossians 3:1-11 Set your mind on things that are above. Luke 12:13-21 The rich fool who builds bigger and bigger barns. In our Scriptures kindness is defined in a few ways. There are reminders to use our words carefully, apologize when needed, to do self- examination before criticizing and tell

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