Discerning Choice

Psalm 32 • Blessed are those whose sins are forgiven. Matthew 4:1-11 • Jesus tempted in the desert. The story of Jesus being tempted in the desert is one that inspires us, and challenges us. Can we be as strong as Jesus when faced with a choice that either trusts

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Embraced, Embodied, Emboldened

Genesis 9:8-17 • The covenant between God and Noah. Mark 1:9-15 • The baptism, temptation and mission. The spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness into a liminal space where what once was is dissolved and what will be will emerge. The act of re-covenanting is an important practice that provides

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Do not live by bread alone.

Psalm 32 I confessed and God forgave. Matthew 4:1-11 Jesus and the Adversary. Spiritual friendship is the means by which we as disciples of Jesus live out what Jesus taught. We cannot go on this faith journey alone. Even when it appears that Jesus is left to his own devices

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