A Reflection of God’s Love

Ruth 1:1-18 • Wherever you will go I will follow. Mark 12:28-34 • You shall love your Lord with all your heart. How did you come to learn how to love yourself, and others? The love that Ruth shows to Naomi is an example of her steadfast love of another,

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God are you there?

Job 23:1-9, 16-17 • Job’s reply. Matthew 6:25-33 • Do not worry about what you will eat or drink. On this day of Thanksgiving, we hear the struggle and suffering of Job, seeking to find God so that he can pled his case. Job’s biggest challenge is that he can’t

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God of Blessings

Struggles in life are prevalent, and different for everyone. The story of Jacob is wrought with deceit and self interest at first, but as Jacob goes through life, and he learns and grows and his responsibilities increase, he soon realizes the ramifications of his choices and actions. Jacob has a

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God is present, always!

Genesis 2:4b-25 • The Garden of Eden Right from the beginning of creation God is with us, nurturing, protecting and sustaining life. Sometimes we are so focussed on our own thoughts and desires that we lose sight of all that we have been offered from God. As we prepare to

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We are in this together!

Isaiah 55:1-5, 12-13 • An invitation to Abundant Life. Psalm 145:8-9, 14-21 • The goodness of God. We are in a covenant with God. God says “you are my people, I am your God.” The conclusion then is that we are in this together, not only with each other but

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Speak your deepest longing

Psalm 130 • Out of the depths I cry to God. Ezekiel 37: 1-14 • Valley of dry bones John 11:1-45 • The raising of Lazarus. Wisdom takes us beyond thought to deeper knowing. Wisdom grounds us in grace. Both the story of the dry bones and the raising of

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Fears Released

Psalm 40 • I waited patiently for God. John 1:29-42 • Simon and Andrew become disciples Fear, uncertainty, and worry can hold us back from all that God offers. Imagine what could happen if we found a way to release our fears. Imagine what could happen when we trust in

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Accepting all that God offers.

Kings 2:1-2, 6-14 • The passing of the mantle. Galatians 5: 22-25 • Fruits of the Spirit. Luke 9:51-62 • The cost of discipleship We are used to having a lot of choice in our lives. With choice comes the need to make decisions. And with decisions comes commitment and

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The Power of Love

Luke 1:39-55 • Mary visits Elizabeth The power of love is real. To know that we are loved and that we are supported can make all the difference in the world. This is the story of two women coming together in mutual support. God provides both Mary and Elizabeth with

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