Face to face with God.

Exodus 1:8-14; 3:1-15 • God calls Moses to bring release. Over and over I hear people ask the question, “Am I worthy of God?” The answer is YES! There are times of each person’s life when we have transitions to a new stage of life or we are struggling with

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Something has come to light.

1 Corinthians 1:10-18 • Overcome divisions and find unity. Matthew 4:12-23 • Jesus begins his ministry Joseph Campbell who is known for his work in archetypal stories has noted that cultures around the world speak of the beginnings of something as a call to adventure. What if we look at

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A Change of Course

Acts 10:34-43 • Gentiles hear the Good News. Matthew 3:13-17 • Jesus and John the Baptizer. In the reading from the book of Acts (officially “The Acts of the Apostles”), after a persuasive vision from God, Peter, somewhat surprisingly, speaks in front of an unexpected audience: Romans, who, as Gentiles–those

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Strength even in our weakness.

2 Timothy 1:1-14 • Thanksgiving and encouragement. Luke 17:5-10 • Faith as a mustard seed. How do we tend to our faith? When will we come to accept that faith is a gift from God, rather than something we have to earn? The ritual of feasting on the bread and

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Soul Connection

Psalm 42 • As a deer longs for the water. The psalmist speaks of great longing to reconnect with God. The psalmist speaks of a thirst that needs quenching, and a longing so deep that deep calls to deep. We have been living in a time of upheaval, and a

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