Making the Most of It

Jeremiah 1:4-10 God Calls Jeremiah Luke 13: 10-17 Jesus Heals on the Sabbath In life, we receive many invitations or “calls” yet when we are uncertain about ourselves or unclear about what we are capable of we may run from those invitations or opportunities. Jesus has no hesitation about the

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Dynamics of Differences

Over the last few months at R-W, we have engaged in learning about the diverse needs and abilities we all have and why we need them all to be a Christian community. Mobility and learning differences, as well as some chronic and mental illnesses, are not always visible to others’ eyes

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Boldly welcoming all to table!

Psalm 63:1-8 I long for you, O God.Luke 13:1-9 Parable of the barren fig tree. As a Christian community we seek faith, the infinite frontier. These are the rituals of the Christian Faith. Its continuing mission: to explore God’s new world, to seek out justice and serve others, to boldly

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Fish in the Water

February 10, 2019 Epiphany 5 Being Christian means that we are called to rise up against oppression and to participate in the work of reconciliation. As Christians, we are asked to be ready for the unexpected call to serve all people. But sometimes we can be “like fish in the

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