Hidden Abundance Revealed

John 6:1-14 • Loaves and Fishes As the people gathered to listen to the teachings of Jesus, Jesus felt compassion. Jesus asked Philip, “Where are we to buy enough bread for these people to eat?” This question, we are told, was to test the disciples. This question comes from a

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Affirming our commitment

James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a • 2 kinds of wisdom. Mark 9:30-37 • Whoever welcomes a child, welcomes me. How do we live in community with one another, when we are all so different, when we express our faith differently? We start with a covenant which proclaims how we promise to live

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Follow Jesus, Supporter

Psalm 40: 1-11 Patience 1 Corinthians 1:1-9 Grace to all Jesus came on earth to serve and not to be served. Jesus teaches us that following him means we are called to serve. Paul reminds the followers of Jesus that we are not lacking any spiritual gifts. In fact, Jesus

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Joy abounds where we make space!

James 5:7-10 Patience. Luke 1:39-55 Mary’s Song. We hear Mary’s joy in her song to God. Mary sings because she has new life in her. She has made space for God and faith in her life. When we step away from the habit of grumbling because we are overwhelmed,, exhausted,

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Boldly Pray

Psalm 27 God is my light and my salvation Luke 4:1-13 Jesus temped in the desert. As a Christian community we seek faith, the infinite frontier. These are the rituals of the Christian Faith. Its continuing mission: to explore God’s new world, to seek out justice and serve others, to

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Safe space begins with API

Being Christian means that we are called to rise up against oppression and to participate in the work of reconciliation. We are called to combat oppression and unequal power dynamics. As Christians, we lament the state of the world and long for justice. We acknowledge that individually, in some aspects

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Remember – God is present

1 Samuel 2: 1-10 Hannah pours out her heart to God. In her prayers we hear her anguish and her dependence on God. She asks God to remember her, and God does. God is very present to her and that connection transforms her. We like Hannah are evolving and becoming

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