How to get involved

Volunteering in the Church

The Church is continually in need of volunteers to take part in the many facets of our Ministry. This is partly because we take turns: no one is expected to do a job for ever. It is also because the church is continually expanding its outreach, growing into the promise of an ever-blossoming community.

Current Opportunities


Chair of Ministry and Personnel (M&P)
The role of the Chair of Ministry and Personnel is to lead the committee that provides support to church staff on employment matters, while overseeing the relationship between the staff and the congregation. The Chair of M&P attends monthly board meetings and maintains a close contact with the Northern Spirit Regional Council Pastoral Relations Committee. For more info click here.

Regional Council Representative (1 person)
Robertson-Wesley United Church belongs to the Northern Spirit Region (wider church) of The United Church of Canada. The church is structured in a similar way to the Canadian Government at this time. We have 3 courts of governance. The congregation of Robertson-Wesley sends 4 lay representatives to attend the annual meeting of our region which, in our location is the city wide level of the church. The Regional Council functions in a similar manner to the church board. We elect four lay members to this wider church decision making circle, and they report back to the congregation decision and information that pertain to our mission and ministry of the church. For more info click here.

Justice And Outreach Pod Coordinator
The role of the J&O Pod Coordinator is to gather and engage interested members of the congregation in conversation about our current and future directions in Mission and Outreach, along with different justice issues that are emerging in the world. In keeping with our statement, the Pod Coordinator will host conversations, empower others to develop, implement and evaluate ideas, events, projects, resources, and programs. As needed or requested, the Pod Coordinator will report back to the Official Board. The term for the Coordinator will be two years. The Coordinator, in conjunction with and with the support of ministry personnel, will set up three to four Pod meetings per year. Required skills: Facilitation and diplomacy skills, Good listener, Ability to identify skills and resources in the congregation, Communication skills, and basic computer skills. If you have questions about this position you are welcome to contact Peter Graham.


Volunteers are needed for the monthly Community Dinners.

March Dinner

April Dinner


Church Renewal Team (3 more people)
Do you have experience with visioning and value statements? Do you want to help discern what God is calling us to do and be over the next 10 years? This team will work on a new statement of call and commitment. They will also help to create a strategic plan that aligns with what our community of faith values. And will have to name R-W’s brand and how we will communicate who we are to the wider community.
Key skills: Discerning, listening, communication, writing, visioning

Kids Church Team (5-6 more people)
We are seeking people who are passionate about children and toddlers ages 0-12. This team will help the children learn about Jesus, and God, through a variety of learning styles. This program happens on Sunday morning after a short time in worship. Curriculum is provided for the team. We need people to teach, and to assist the teacher.
Key skills: Listening, communication, facilitation, community building and group dynamics

Worship Committee (3-4 more people)
We are seeking a few more members for the Worship Committee, which supports the ministers and music director in ensuring that worship fits with the ethos of the United Church, as it inspires and nurtures the people of this faith community. This committee looks after ushering, scripture readers, communion servers, and the worship environment (paraments/candles etc), life passages and membership. The Worship Committee also reflects on common practices and makes decisions on when things need to be shifted or changed.
Key Skills: Administration, communication, understanding of the United Church, detailed.

Worship Planning Team (6-8 people)
We are seeking people who like to create worshipful experiences. Each month, we have a discipleship Sunday where we are looking to have more lay leadership. If you are interested in storytelling, writing prayer, drama, art, poetry, or liturgical dance music, then this is a team for you.
Key Skills: creativity, collaboration, spiritual, upfront leadership.

Family Ministry Team (need 4 more people)
This team helps to support the children, youth and young adult ministry programs, as well as creating some intergenerational events. This team meets quarterly and seeks to find ways for all ages to explore their faith in a variety of ways.
Key skills: Ability to organize and run events, support and encourage leaders in the various areas of this ministry, ensure that the programs have the resources needed to do this work.

Ushers (8 more people)
This group of people help to welcome people on Sunday morning. They pass out bulletins, monitor the doors, and ensure people know where the washrooms are. They help to collect the offering, and clean up the sanctuary after the service. It is a great way to get to know people in the church.
Key skills: Friendly, ability to help people get in and out of the building

Scripture Readers
Each Sunday, one or two scriptures are chosen by the Ministers to be read by a volunteer during worship. The scripture readings are emailed to you in advance, in case you like to practice! One of the Reverends will contact you with a date to read.

Communion Servers
we will celebrate communion, sharing Jesus’ meal. All people, all ages, are welcome to serve Communion. If this is your first time, know that someone will assist you in learning how to serve Communion. You only need to come a little earlier. We are compiling a list of people that would like to volunteer to serve communion. Please print your name in the space provided, and one of the coordinators will contact you with a date to serve.

R-W Choir (1-2 people)
We are looking for one or two new singers, and now is a great time to become a member! Membership to the senior choir is open to all high-school students and adults. Although no formal audition is required, it is requested that interested persons consult with the Director of Music, before attending their first rehearsal. Choir practices take place on Wednesdays from 7:30-9:30 pm, and the choir sings at most of the Sunday services from September to June. More info here Questions? Dr. Allan Bevan at: or, let’s chat after service!

Handbell Ensembles
Nova Bells is a learning group, an all ages, ground-floor handbell and music learning experience. R-W Ringers is a performance group. A three-octave group for more experienced ringers/musicians – performs sacred and secular handbell music at church & in the community. Both groups rehearse on Thursday nights. More info here. Questions? Dr. Allan Bevan at: or, let’s chat after service!


Planned Giving Team (4-5 people)
We are putting together a team, that will encourage people of the congregation, to consider leaving a legacy or a special gift to Robertson-Wesley. The national church has provided congregations with some great resources to help a team of lay people host conversations and workshops to encourage people in exploring a variety of ways to share their accumulated assets. This can include: bequests in wills, life insurance, annuities, gifts of RRSPs, RRIFs and TFSAs, and charitable remainder trusts. Robertson-Wesley has been blessed by so many people who have left bequests and legacies, which allow this community of faith to continue to live out God’s call in the community and in the world.
Key skills: Communication and listening, basic financial understanding and comfort in planning for the future.


Coffee Hour Sundays
Each week after Sunday Worship, people gather in Memorial Hall for conversation and connection. We are seeking volunteers to make coffee and tea and put out treats (cookies and baking) and then do the dishes and help to put things away. We already have dedicated volunteers who set up and take down the tables and chairs each week. If you would be willing to do this on a Sunday we invite you to sign up at and feel free to invite a friend to help you. It means that you would need to do some prep before the service and then in the last few minutes of the worship service you can head into the hall to put out the coffee/tea. Typically the clean up is done between 12:30 and 1:00 PM. If you would like to know more about this please talk with Rev. Karen. We will set up a time to do an orientation of the kitchen with Brad Campbell, the Facilities Manager.

Pie Day Event

PIE stands for Public, Intentional, and Explicit. These are the attitudes and actions required to be truly affirming as a church. As recognition of our commitment in 2009 to the 2SLGBTQIA community, Robertson-Wesley will be hosting a PIE Day on Friday, March 14th at 5:30 pm. This year young trans and gender expansive individuals are especially at risk with the provincial legislation currently in progress. That is why all funds raised will be shared between RWUC’s affirming ministries and Egale Canada; who, with Skipping Stone and several families, are suing the AB government for unconstitutional discrimination regarding these specific bills, particularly bill 26 which became law Dec 5, 2024.

PIE Day Pies

Calling all bakers and folks wanting to provide both Sweet or Savoury pies (of course Pizza is a pie!) as well as those willing to “sponsor” a pie, or symbolically purchase a donated pie that will be eaten at the event.

Events Planning Team (6-8 people)
People both with the community of faith and in the community that we serve, are looking for ways to make friends and connect with others. We are looking for a team of people to host a variety of events that will bring people together.
Key skills: Organization, event planning, decoration, hospitality

Catering Ministry
The R-W Catering Group is a group of volunteers who host receptions for mostly funerals. These volunteers’ help to set-up, serve, and clean up receptions, and provide a comforting presence for guests. The Catering Group is coordinated by Colleen Ouellette, who coordinates all reception needs and contacts volunteers when an event arises. Since most of these events happen on weekdays, we hope to have a robust list of volunteers to accommodate varied availabilities. Typical shifts are about two hours each, as needed when families request a reception.

Hospitality Team (6-8 people)
New people walk through the doors every day at Robertson-Wesley, especially on Sunday. This team would help to welcome people, introduce them to people, show them around, and answer questions. This team would consider what else could be done to help people feel comfortable on Sunday and throughout the rest of the week.
Key Skills: People skills, communication, compassion and caring.

Visiting Team (6-8 more people)
The visiting team are people who are willing to visit people who are unable to attend church due to illness, or long term care concerns. There are many people who would like to stay connected with Robertson-Wesley. This team would also provide an opportunity for home communion, would take cards and sometimes flowers on their visit. Training and resources will be provided.
Key Skills: Compassion, presence, listening

Photographer For Photo Directory
We are seeking a photographer to take family and individual photos for the directory on a few Sundays before and after service. Skills: Professional photography, photo-editing, computer skills (arranging photos in layout)

What we do

FoodBank Depot

In the ‘80s, with a sharp downturn in the Edmonton economy, the need for a food bank became apparent. An R-W member was a founding member of the Edmonton Food Bank, Canada’s first. It is thus no surprise that R-W has been a food bank depot for over 30 years. Volunteers set-up the hall, unload the truck, confirm ID, distribute food, as well as socialize with and welcome clients.
On Wednesdays Robertson-Wesley becomes a Food Bank Depot, where people can come to pick-up their Food Bank Hampers, Orders are placed through the Main Food Bank at 780-425-4190, and Hampers ordered can be picked up at Robertson-Wesley from 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm on Wednesday Afternoon. 

Magic Pantry

As a church in the diverse Oliver community (on  the  fringe of  the inner city), we often encounter hungry folks at our door. In response to this need, we established the Magic Pantry, a unique program providing a portable ready to eat lunch.
Bagged Lunches are given out  Mondays, Tuesdays,  and Thursdays from 12:00 pm -1:00 pm. 

Community Dinner

Responding to a growing need in our neighbourhood, R-W started the Community Dinner program in 1997. Once a month, up to 200 people are welcomed to Memorial Hall for a free hot dinner, often accompanied by entertainment. We alternate with Christ Church Anglican next door to ensure there is a hot meal twice a month. Volunteers plan, purchase, prepare and serve food, and cleanup afterwards. A volunteer sign-up sheet is maintained in Memorial Hall and necessary funding is raised through donations.
Community Dinner is the second Saturday of each month, Everyone is Welcome!

Operation Friendship

Operation Friendship Seniors Society is a non-profit society that provides community-based preventative social services to the seniors of Edmonton’s inner city. They provide safe, affordable non-institutional housing options. We support Operation Friendship by providing funding, food and servers for four hot meals a year.

Inner-City Pastoral Ministry

Inner City Pastoral Ministry (ICPM) is an ecumenical Christian ministry of presence serving the people of the inner city of Edmonton. It was started in 1978 by members of the United Church who recognized a need for a church in the Inner City. We participate in the Inner-City Pastoral Ministry by providing lunches, serving at some of the services, and funding through our Wesley & Clark Funds.

Bissell Centre

The Bissell Centre serves the less fortunate of Edmonton’s inner city with individual, community, and family programs designed to move people from poverty to prosperity. Robertson-Wesley supports the Bissell Centre with funding from our Wesley & Clark Funds.