How to get involved

Volunteering in the Church

The Church is continually in need of volunteers to take part in the many facets of our Ministry. This is partly because we take turns: no one is expected to do a job for ever. It is also because the church is continually expanding its outreach, growing into the promise of an ever-blossoming community.

Current Opportunities


Every year at the annual meeting Robertson-Wesley United Church has an election for key leadership roles on the R-W Board. Most key leadership roles are a two year term with the possibility of renewing for another 2 years. Each year different roles become vacant after a person has served their term.
This year we are seeking the following leadership roles:

Incoming Chair of the Board
Chair of Ministry and Personnel
Northern Spirit Regional Rep

For more information on these roles click here.


Volunteers are needed for the monthly Community Dinners.

July Dinner

August Dinner


Art & Book Sale
The annual book & art sale fundraisers are going to be combined this year and will take place on Sunday, June 23 on the lawn of R-W (weather permitting) We are looking for volunteers to help set-up and work the sale.


If you are interested in greeting people, handing out bulletins, collecting offering and other minor duties on Sunday morning, please add your name to our list of people who are available. Head Ushers will send out an e-mail when volunteers are needed. Don’t worry if you have never done this before you will be working with others who can mentor you in this role.

Each Sunday, one or two scriptures are chosen by the Ministers to be read by a volunteer during worship. The scripture readings are emailed to you in advance, in case you like to practice! One of the Reverends will contact you with a date to read.

we will celebrate communion, sharing Jesus’ meal. All people, all ages, are welcome to serve Communion. If this is your first time, know that someone will assist you in learning how to serve Communion. You only need to come a little earlier. We are compiling a list of people that would like to volunteer to serve communion. Please print your name in the space provided, and one of the coordinators will contact you with a date to serve.

What we do

FoodBank Depot

In the ‘80s, with a sharp downturn in the Edmonton economy, the need for a food bank became apparent. An R-W member was a founding member of the Edmonton Food Bank, Canada’s first. It is thus no surprise that R-W has been a food bank depot for over 30 years. Volunteers set-up the hall, unload the truck, confirm ID, distribute food, as well as socialize with and welcome clients.
On Wednesdays Robertson-Wesley becomes a Food Bank Depot, where people can come to pick-up their Food Bank Hampers, Orders are placed through the Main Food Bank at 780-425-4190, and Hampers ordered can be picked up at Robertson-Wesley from 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm on Wednesday Afternoon. 

Magic Pantry

As a church in the diverse Oliver community (on  the  fringe of  the inner city), we often encounter hungry folks at our door. In response to this need, we established the Magic Pantry, a unique program providing a portable ready to eat lunch.
Bagged Lunches are given out  Mondays, Tuesdays,  and Thursdays from 12:00 pm -1:00 pm. 

Community Dinner

Responding to a growing need in our neighbourhood, R-W started the Community Dinner program in 1997. Once a month, up to 200 people are welcomed to Memorial Hall for a free hot dinner, often accompanied by entertainment. We alternate with Christ Church Anglican next door to ensure there is a hot meal twice a month. Volunteers plan, purchase, prepare and serve food, and cleanup afterwards. A volunteer sign-up sheet is maintained in Memorial Hall and necessary funding is raised through donations.
Community Dinner is the second Saturday of each month, Everyone is Welcome!

Operation Friendship

Operation Friendship Seniors Society is a non-profit society that provides community-based preventative social services to the seniors of Edmonton’s inner city. They provide safe, affordable non-institutional housing options. We support Operation Friendship by providing funding, food and servers for four hot meals a year.

Inner-City Pastoral Ministry

Inner City Pastoral Ministry (ICPM) is an ecumenical Christian ministry of presence serving the people of the inner city of Edmonton. It was started in 1978 by members of the United Church who recognized a need for a church in the Inner City. We participate in the Inner-City Pastoral Ministry by providing lunches, serving at some of the services, and funding through our Wesley & Clark Funds.

Bissell Centre

The Bissell Centre serves the less fortunate of Edmonton’s inner city with individual, community, and family programs designed to move people from poverty to prosperity. Robertson-Wesley supports the Bissell Centre with funding from our Wesley & Clark Funds.