

Colour me hopeful

Right from the beginning the purpose of our annual Women’s Weekend has been to provide an opportunity for women from R-W to get to know each other better and to experience our Faith. Women of R-W are invited to an afternoon gathering on Saturday, March 22 from 12:30 – 3:00pm in Room 11. If you’d like to attend please complete the registration form before March 16.

Women's Weekend
Please complete the Registration Form before March 16.

Women’s Weekend


Since 2004 Robertson-Wesley United church has celebrated the women of our church community. This celebration has been an Autumn weekend retreat. From Friday evening to Sunday early afternoon, women gather at a rural retreat center.


The weekend is planned by a committee of women who believe in women gathering together to deepen their spirituality and to deepen their friendships. Every year new women discover the Women’s Weekend and make a plan to attend the following year. Having said that, there are also women who have attended all of the Women’s Weekends and who look forward to it every year.


The Women’s Weekend program and activities have been planned around a theme. We have had our Red Shoes weekend, our Sacred Garden weekend, our Let Your Light Shine weekend, our Entering Your Castle weekend, our Stepping Lightly: A pilgrimage to…, and our Joy of a Spirited Community weekend. The programs included discussions in both large and small groups, singing of new and familiar songs, walks with nature, creative activities, sharing meals, walking a labyrinth, celebrating in worship as a community of women, free time and lots of laughter. No doubt there are pleasures that I have missed, but just ask someone who has attended, and they will share their favourite parts of the Weekend.

Women’s Weekend Bursary Fund

A Women’s Weekend Bursary Fund has been established to support Robertson-Wesley women who may require financial assistance to attend our annual weekend. If you would like to donate to this Fund contact Sylvia Duffus, Jill Lambie or the Church office.

Past Events


Robertson-Wesley’s 16th Annual
Women’s Weekend 2024


This weekend included celebration, creativity, friends, laughter, tools for spiritual practice, time outdoors, worship at Strawberry Creek Lodge

Women’s Weekend 2023

R-W Women’s Weekend Bench Blessing

Women’s Weekend 2022

Our Metamorphosis: Broken, Beautiful, and Blessed

Women’s Weekend 2019

Grounded in faith, traditions and stories we share our gifts with the world

Women’s Weekend 2018

Faith is the Spice of Life

Our 2018 R-W Women’s Weekend Anthem
Our 2018 Women’s Weekend is a community of tenacious women celebrating life:
the spirit of peace
where friendship and love abide;
the spirit of laughter and joy
where spontaneity bubbles over;
the spirit of adventure
where we travel together on our faith journey;
the spirit of trust
where we respect each other with openness and honesty;
the spirit of meditation
where we pause to look inward;
the spirit of creativity
where ideas, activities and symbols abound;
the spirit of beauty
where we appreciate all Creation;
the spirit of challenge
where we encourage ourselves and each other to grow;
the spirit of acceptance
where we have the freedom to express our individuality;
the spirit of togetherness
where we blend our faith flavours.
R-W 2018 Women’s Weekend infused with the Spirit.

On the weekend of September 14th to 16th, 2018 fourteen Robertson-Wesley women gathered at Strawberry Creek Lodge for our 15th annual R-W Women’s Weekend. Every year our Weekend theme changes as each year our planning committee members change. Our Women’s Weekend is a time for R-W women to get to know each other, explore their faith, share fun and laughter and to appreciate the indoor and outdoor beauty of Strawberry Creek Lodge. Our Women’s Weekend Anthem is a glimpse into some of the connections that were made this year.

Women’s Weekend 2017

Earth’s Weavers: Making Connections

In September 17 women gathered together at Strawberry Creek Lodge for a weekend of retreat and connection. Not only connecting with other women at R-W, but with nature and with our spirituality. Rev. Lynn Maki led a worship service on Sunday which was a highlight for many. We made dream-catchers, bracelets, we wove together, we ate together and we reconnected.

Women’s Weekend 2016

Theme: Life’s Undulation

R-W Women had their annual retreat from Friday, September 16, evening, to Sunday, September 18, afternoon, for the 2016 Robertson-Wesley Women’s Weekend. The weekend included: celebration, creativity, friends, laughter, time outdoors, and worship. The weekend was also a time to relax, eat delicious meals and most of all, the time to get to know the women at R-W.

Women’s Weekend 2015

Theme: Wise Women Whisper in the Wind

Friday, September 18, evening, to Sunday, September 20, afternoon, for our 2015 Robertson-Wesley Women’s Weekend.

Women’s Weekend 2014

Theme: Stardines in our Genes and Other Mysteries.

Friday, September 12 to Sunday, September 14
Women’s weekend explored the biggest questions of all time! What is life? What is the cosmos? What is the universe? Will we ever have a theory of everything? We were not able to solve all of these mysteries in September but we did have a fantastic weekend. The weekend was also a time to relax, eat delicious meals and most of all, the time to get to know the women at R-W.